Communication And Conflict Resolution

In 3–5 pages, develop recommendations for a team charter and provide  communication and collaboration strategies for a new interprofessional  team that will work together on challenging cases.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate  your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment  criteria

Effective communication among members of a health care team results  in a unified approach to patient care problems. As patient/family  advocates, nurses are uniquely positioned to coordinate, collaborate,  and communicate. Highly skilled communicators are actually great  listeners. They collect and process information in an effort to fully  understand issues and concerns. They gather information from a variety  of sources: patients, licensed and unlicensed providers, and their own  intuition. Exceptional communicators then filter and share information  with team members (Apker, Propp, Zabava Ford, & Hofmeister, 2006).

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In nursing, effective communication is increasingly viewed as a  mark of professionalism (Propp et al., 2010). When paired with  collaboration and coordination, communication becomes the vehicle for  assuring positive patient outcomes. But what happens when disparate  personalities come together with a common goal? How will communication  and collaboration take place?

Teams that function effectively have determined how to work  synergistically, communicate clearly, and address conflict. There are  two types of dysfunction: emotional conflict and task conflict. In each  type, the resulting outcome may be constructive or destructive (Almost,  2006). It is in our diversity that conflict may erupt. Diversity may  include culture, values, language, age, thinking style, or a myriad of  other attributes that make us each unique.


Use the Capella library and the Internet to research examples of  interprofessional team charters, communication strategies and conflict  resolution strategies for teams, and methods and technologies used in  team communication.


You have been charged with facilitating the launch of an  interprofessional team that will work together on a number of  challenging cases. The team members will come from several different  areas within the organization. The team is expected to have its  orientation meeting in two weeks and then work together collaboratively  for the next six months. Your first task is to develop recommendations  for a team charter that will help the group establish ground rules and  decide who will lead the team. You also need to help the team with  communication and collaboration strategies.

This assessment has two distinct sections: Team Charter  Recommendations and Communication and Collaboration Strategies. Provide  thorough and detailed recommendations and support your recommendations  using examples, references, and citations from your research.

For the Team Charter Recommendations:

  • Explain methods to establish ground rules and set expectations.  How might differences in personality, expectations, and experience  affect team efficiency?
  • Describe conflict resolution strategies for interprofessional teams.
  • Identify effective ways to address issues of team leadership. How  will the team decide who will lead them? What happens if the team  leader is ineffective?

For the Communication and Collaboration Strategies:

  • Describe best practices for effective interprofessional  collaboration. What types of technology can be used to support  collaboration?
  • Explain the benefits and limitations of different communication  strategies such as e-mail, text, voice mail, and face-to-face. When is  it appropriate to use each type of communication?

This assessment should be 3–5 pages in length, not including the  title page and reference page. Use at least three resources to support  your recommendations, and follow APA guidelines for style and format.

Additional Requirements

  • Include a title page and reference page.
  • Reference at least three current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Use APA format.
  • Use Times New Roman font, 12 point.
  • Double space.
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