Assignment 11: Chapter 13 – Star stuffs
(Study guide for Quiz 9)
1) What do we mean by “we all are star stuffs”?
2) Where do stars form?
3) What is a protostar?
4) If a protostar doesn’t have enough mass to become a star, it becomes a _____________
5) What happens to a brown dwarf as it cools off?
6) What is the mass range of the low-mass stars?
7) What is the mass range of the high-mass stars?
8) About how massive are the most massive stars?
9) When does a star leave the main sequence?
10) After a low-mass star can no longer fuse hydrogen into helium in its core, what would
happen next? Correctly order the fusion sequence?
helium will begin to fuse into carbon in the core
hydrogen fusion will begin in a shell around the core
helium fusion will begin in a shell around the core between hydrogen fusion shell
11) What is a planetary nebular?
12) How does a low-mass star die and what does a low mass star leave behind?
13) How does a high-mass star die and what does a high mass star leave behind?
14) What remnant does a supernova leave?
15) Carbon fusion occurs in high-mass stars but not in low-mass stars. Why?
16) What is the heaviest element produced in the core of a high-mass star?
17) Where does gold (the element) come from?
18) Where does hydrogen and helium come from?
19) Correctly order the stages of life for low-mass stars? red giant protostar, main-sequence, white dwarf
planetary nebular
20) Correctly order the stages of life for high-mass stars? Supernova protostar, main-sequence, white dwarf
planetary nebular