You are a Marketing manager, you need to generate ideas for an innovative product or service. either one. Think about 1) New product/service planning, 2)Market research for the new idea. 3)Select a ta2022-07-09 Answers

You are a Marketing manager, you need to generate ideas for an innovative product or service. either one. Think about 1) New product/service planning, 2)Market research for the new idea. 3)Select a target market for the new product/service, 4) Analyse the target market and select an appropriate market segment, 5)Identify one main customer group for your new product/service and explain each element of their consumer decision-making process, 5) Measurable goals and objectives, 6) Strategies for monitoring and control of the marketing and promotional plan, etc. I will give you a sample answer & Criteria and Mark Scheme to do it. 6000 words. You may need to edit it until i get pass it, 40/100. 

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