vitamin c
Spend up to the next 2 hours to complete the following task, to the best of your ability. This exam is worth 100 points. There is no specific word count requirement.
Topic: Vitamin C –
Your submission should be in the form of written paragraphs, but you will not be evaluated on the quality of writing beyond the minimum necessary to understand what you are communicating. Your submission does not need to be as structured as the analysis assignments submitted during the semester. You should answer parts 1-5 of the task individually, each in paragraph form. Number each answer to correspond to parts 1-5, and then references at the end.
1. In one paragraph, summarize the product or service and describe what it is supposed to do.
2. In one paragraph, identify and clearly state at least one scientific claim being made about the product or service.
3. Identify and clearly describe at least two sources that are purported to support the claim. Each source should be described in a single paragraph (i.e., two paragraphs total). You must provide references for these sources (as well as any other that you use to complete the other tasks) at the end of your document, in the same format that you have been using throughout the semester.
4. Briefly evaluate the quality of the sources and whether or not the sources appear to support the claim. This section may be anywhere from one to several paragraphs long, as needed.
◦ State whether or not you believe the claim is justified, correct, and/or relevant based on your overall evaluation. This evaluation must take into account the sources you identified and evaluated (in steps 3 and 4).
◦ You may utilize sources that do not support the claim in your overall evaluation (i.e., sources in addition to the two from step 3).
◦ Your evaluation should explicitly consider at least two logical fallacies. These may be fallacies that you believe are present, or ones that could have been an issue but that you determined were not.
5. Based on your review of the product or service, summarize in one paragraph when use of the product or service might be beneficial: who might benefit and under what circumstances.
You are free to draw on prior knowledge, your textbook, and electronic resources, but should indicate when you have done so by using the same referencing methods utilized during the semester.
You may not use other humans. Communication in any form (verbal, physical, or electronic) with another human being during this exam will be considered academic misconduct and result in an automatic grade of zero. The sole exception is if you have an urgent issue that you communicate to an instructor. Your instructors will not provide assistance with this exam or the resources you utilize to complete it.
Your final document should be uploaded to the Assignments link provided through Brightspace. After verifying that the document has successfully uploaded, you are free to leave and enjoy your break.