Singh Et Al – nursing homework essays
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As nurses, we have been prepared to care for multiple diseases and illnesses and were able to choose the path of what field we would want to work in. As an emergency nurse, we see most patients at their worst. Infant mortality has always been the most difficult to process. Seeing such vulnerable innocent children suffering, by far is the worst feeling ever. It saddens me that poverty in countries has led to such high numbers of infant mortality.
Reviewing some of the statistics on mortality and communicable diseases is disheartening and it makes one wonder why this continues to carry on. Why isn’t this a priority in healthcare when data proves reasoning to these increases?
China and India are two of the most heavily populated countries in the world with the most infant mortality rates along with other childhood illnesses noted today. As most leading causes of death are similar from country to country, China and India remain at the top. Our health depends on good nutrition to help support a healthy lifestyle especially during prenatal care and after birth. According to a study done by Zong and colleagues (2019), China began having issues with under-nutrition due to socioeconomic disparities however now children of China are battling with over-nutrition complications due to high fat intakes. China’s attempt to decrease infant and child mortality through improvement in living standards, medical conditions and education had a negative impact on diet changes (Zong et al., 2019).
As for India, poor female education and wealth has led to an increase in infant and child mortality. Women not knowing how to care for themselves during pregnancy was a key corporate in increased mortality rates. India also being a country of high population many geographical areas in India have been underprivileged in child nutrition, wealth, and female literacy which left them more at a disadvantage than other countries (Singh et al., 2011).
Both countries are similar in large populations with socioeconomic barriers. China also has more educated individuals than that of India however only living in urban areas working in medical fields (Holtz, 2013). China having more educated physicians and nurses helps with country with healthcare disparities while India continues to see an outbreak of infectious disease due to poor nutrition and living conditions. Both countries similar but different in their own ways, leaving these two countries at the top for priority interventions.
Holtz, C. (2013). Global health care.: Issues and Policies. (2nd ed). Jones and Bartlett
Singh, A., Pathak, P. K., Chauhan, K., & Pan, W. (2011). Infant and child mortality in India
in the last two decades: A geospatial analysis. PLos One, 6(11): e26856.
Zong, XN., Hui, L., & Wu, HH. (2019). Child nutrition to new stage in China: Evidence
from a series of national surveys, 1985-2015. BMC Public Health, 19(402).
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