Methods Section

HLTH 698

Project Paper: Methods Instructions

For the second stage of development, you will write a Methods section for the paper. Simply give a step-by-step description of the activities you have undertaken or plan to undertake during your practicum. You must use best practices found in the research literature as a guideline for your projects. The logical framework exercise, discussion board assignments, and blogs may provide a wealth of information to help you prepare this section. You must include at least 3 peer-reviewed or government resources for this portion of the Project Paper development. As with the previous stage, the resources may be drawn from the annotated bibliography or from additional research. Title this Microsoft Word document as follows: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_HLTH698_SECTION_TERM_YEARMethods.

Your Introduction section must be submitted directly to your instructor through the Project Paper: Methods assignment link by Sunday of Week/Module 8.

You must also submit your paper to a Peer-Editor by Sunday of Week/Module 8. Attach a copy of the Project Paper: Peer-Editor Rubric for Stages 1–4 found under the Project Paper Overview at the end of your document. You must submit the assignment via the Project Paper: Methods Forum link to the assigned Peer-Editor from your group by Sunday of Module/Week 8. Using the Forum in the Group Discussion Board will allow your instructor to monitor and validate your progress as needed. Each Peer-Editor will make corrections to the paper assigned to him/her using the Track Changes icon under the Review tab as well. Additional comments and recommendations should be included using the Comment icon. The marked paper must be returned to the original author during Week 9. The edited paper will also be submitted directly to the instructor through the assignment link in Week 9 without further revisions.

Submit the initial paper through the Methods Assignment and to your Peer-Editor via the Group Discussion link in the Course Menu by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 8.

You will edit and grade your peer’s paper then submit the marked version of the peer’s assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 9.

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