Measles Case Study
Submit in APA format, a 3-4 page case study.
1. Link to and Review the CDC statement on the 2018-2019 Measles outbreak:
QUESTION: Define and discuss primary prevention and its importance to public health. Provide an overview of the role immunizations play. How do global immunization rates impact the US public health? Briefly describe the current measles outbreak in New York City.
Cultural Considerations:
QUESTION: Explain the cultural and philosophical aspects of the current outbreak. How do these ideological beliefs set in motion a measles disease outbreak?
Synthesize the two (2) main causes of the current U.S. Measles outbreak. How is this a global health problem?
Current US measles rates
3. The HP 2020 goal is to increase immunization rates and reduce preventable infectious diseases. Link here and review the Health People 2020 objective of Immunizations and Infectious Diseases (IID).
Find the > IID Objectives > IID 1.4. > HP2020 target number of measles cases/year.
Link here for CDC’s latest number of measles count.
QUESTION: What is HP 2020 target number of measles cases? How does the HP 2020 target number (from above HP 2020 link) compare to the current US cases reported by CDC? Contrast and compare your findings.
QUESTION: What is HP 2020 target % 19-35 month-old children for 1-dose of MMR vaccine coverage? How does that compare to NY State? Contrast and compare your findings.
5. Find a well-sourced video or website (i.e., .gov., .org., no .com) that could be used for health education for the NYC community. Who is/are the sponsors for this video or website? Write a concluding paragraph that summarizes your case study.
Follow APA format requirements with a title page, paragraph organization, good sentence structure, grammar and spelling. Include a reference page.
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