involves you focusing your attention, attentively listening, posing and answering questions to your peers and professors. Refrain from engaging in non-seminar-related activities (e.g. text messaging, checking email, internet surfing, watching tv, conversing with family, friends, or co-workers, etc.).

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to Week #8 – Field Education I

This week we will be discussing Use of Self within your assignments and in our synchronous class session.  Items that we did not review last week we will review this week. 

Attendance: You must attend nine (9) seminar sessions. Remember, your participation in seminar involves you focusing your attention, attentively listening, posing and answering questions to your peers and professors. Refrain from engaging in non-seminar-related activities (e.g. text messaging, checking email, internet surfing, watching tv, conversing with family, friends, or co-workers, etc.).

Assignments Due this Week:

  1. Week #8 Blog – Main Post by Day 3 and Response Post by Day 4
  2. Week 8, Assignment 2 – Process Recording  – Due Day 7 (Submit under Assignment #2) – See past announcements for the template. Remember, do not alter the template. The template is the paper for this assignment.
  3. Looking Ahead: Week #9– Assignment 2, Agency Presentation Submit ppt under Week #9 Assignment #2 in Blackboard.
  4. Agency Presentations Continue
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