Introductions And Health Education Activity Proposal
Tell us how long you have been a practicing nurse and what your current level of experience is with community and population health.
Iv’e been a practicing nurse for 6 years. I work in a longterm-Short-term acute rehab center that includes telemetry and Hospice.
Then, identify a local vulnerable population (in your area) that you are interested in learning more about and helping through a health education activity. Identify the vulnerable population and briefly discuss what you think their health needs might be (in three to four sentences). This will be the focus of your health education activity, which will be due in Module Five. You will submit the permission letter in Module Three.
Note: If you have some leads or connections to a vulnerable population already in your area, then you are off to a great start. If you need it, there is also an online resource called, which provides a wealth of additional information, including health information such as diabetes and obesity rates, access to hospitals, demographics, and so on. You may use this site by searching directly for your town or city, or by starting with the state and working your way down to your local area.
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