Infection prevention prompts intensive research. The research question, effects of infections on society is in line with my project. Such a study applies qualitative research. The data is obtained after an inductive approach. Types of infections are first analyzed and then the researcher derives explanations within this data. In particular, content analysis is the most appropriate approach in this case. This method offers specific results thus offering better hypothesis. The method is also open to different explanations which makes it very systematic. The method can however be manipulated by false data collected by the researcher. The open nature of the method makes its vulnerable to misinformed results (Teherani, 2015). Content analysis is precise and thorough.
Infection prevention prompts intensive research. The research question, effects of infections on society is in line with my project. Such a study applies qualitative research. The data is obtained after an inductive approach. Types of infections are first analyzed and then the researcher derives explanations within this data. In particular, content analysis is the most appropriate approach in this case. This method offers specific results thus offering better hypothesis. The method is also open to different explanations which makes it very systematic. The method can however be manipulated by false data collected by the researcher. The open nature of the method makes its vulnerable to misinformed results (Teherani, 2015). Content analysis is precise and thorough.
Teherani, A. (2015). Choosing a Qualitative Research Approach. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 414-420.
Zamanzadeh, V., Valizadeh, L., Tabrizi, F., Behshid, M., & Lotfi, M. (2015). Challenges associated with the implementation of the nursing process: A systematic review. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 411-419.
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