I have never been the sort of person to actively pursue leadership. If I were elected that was fine and I was organized as to how I liked things taken care of but open to other ways of things being done as long as they were by a certain timeframe so that no one else suffered as a result of one person/groups late submission. I also never preferred to be reliant on others because I tend to be task oriented and able to complete activities quicker without any additional stress or anxiety from other participant’s procrastinating. But enough of my ranting and raving.
I have never been the sort of person to actively pursue leadership. If I were elected that was fine and I was organized as to how I liked things taken care of but open to other ways of things being done as long as they were by a certain timeframe so that no one else suffered as a result of one person/groups late submission. I also never preferred to be reliant on others because I tend to be task oriented and able to complete activities quicker without any additional stress or anxiety from other participant’s procrastinating. But enough of my ranting and raving.
Per Clifton Strengths my five top strengths were developer, empathy, harmony, adaptability, and connectedness. I do agree that as a developer I can see the potential in others, when an individual is feeling down I tend to want to make them feel better and remind them of the potential I see so blatantly in them. I want to continue to use this attribute and amplify it so that I am able to use it more effectively and be even more effective in lifting the spirits of others so that they are aware that they are useful, valued, appreciated and important. Like the amazing quote from the movie The Help “You is Smart, you is Kind, You is Important.” I believe especially for leaders that we should encourage and uplift our fellow peers. According to (Kathleen Duggan, et al. 2015) investments made can contribute to the overall efficiency and performance, so for each person you invest time and encouragement you have had the opportunity to increase their potential workforce outcome. Another strength that I would like to improve upon is my empathy, the more I put myself in the feelings of someone else the less chance I will have of saying or doing something that could cause emotional harm. I strive to always be a peaceful person and bring that peace into any interaction I am a part of. I have never been a person who judges based on past events or experiences because we all have colorful histories some more colorful than others but that’s what makes each of us unique and special, able to bring something precious and beautiful to the group dynamic.
The two core values I would like to work on are servant leadership and responsibility. I believe that as I continue to learn and grow in school and work I will be able to put myself into situations to serve and to contribute. I know when it comes to work I tend to do these but there is always room for improvement. I don’t want to get stale or stagnant. Two of the characteristics that I would like to strengthen are my communication skills because I know at times things I say can be misconstrued and interpreted wrong. The other characteristic I would like to strengthen would be self-motivation. I know in my personal life I lack in that area. I tend to be less motivated in regards to physical health and other aspects of life, at work I’m able to be on task and keep on track but in the last year or so my personal life has taken a downward spiral so I figure if I work on that it can only help to improve upon my current skills I have under tentative control.
FAAN, E. R., FAAN, M. R. (20160826). Transformational Leadership in Nursing, Second Edition, 2nd Edition [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from vbk://9780826193995
Kathleen Duggan, et al. “Implementing Administrative Evidence Based Practices: Lessons from the Field in Six Local Health Departments across the United States.” BMC Health Services Research, BioMed Central, 6 June 2015, doi.org/10.1186/s12913-015-0891-3.
Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader(2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.
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