healthy People 2010 – is a guide to promote preventative care. Review primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and relate this to women and children at risk in your community. Identify those risk factors that a prevention program could impact the health of the group you identify.This video is the Healthy People 2020 initiative
Group A:
Healthy People 2010 – is a guide to promote preventative care. Review primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and relate this to women and children at risk in your community. Identify those risk factors that a prevention program could impact the health of the group you identify.This video is the Healthy People 2020 initiative
Group B:
Please research medical technological advances that may be unique to the care of women and children. Discuss how this technology will improve care to women and children. (ideas may be: genetic screening, public health initiatives, mammography, cervical screening, Fetal monitoring, Electronic medical records, telemedicine).Which technological advances have been utilized in your local hospital? How has it impacted the care of women and children?
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