Foreign Health Care Policy (FHC)
Using library resources compare and contrast the health care system (i.e. provisions of health care) of either France, Japan, or Germany with the United States. Minimum paper length 3 full pages. In addition to the paper, all students will have a peer reviewer for their FHC paper. The peer review instructions will be provided in class. You cannot pick the same country as your peer (one researches France and the other researches either Japan or Germany). To help students identify articles that are peer reviewed (or juried articles), please visit the Madigan Library site created for this course.
The paper shall include the following criteria when comparing and contrasting one of the above three countries with the US healthcare system:
· Cost of care (include who pays the doctor, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, etc…)
· Quality of care (i.e. utilization of diagnostic equipment, surgical procedures, life span, infant morbidity, as well as other indicators discussed in the text and my notes this semester.)
· Access to care (waiting period before a patient can see their doctor, who is covered [birth – death; references the continuum of care])
· Who pays the healthcare provider
· Similar to fee-for-service program or managed care system?
· Does the system follow a retrospective or prospective payment system?
· Does the system follow DRG?
· Your conclusion should indicate your opinion as to which country provides better healthcare to their citizens. The body of your paper will justify your opinion. What are the benefits/limitations of their healthcare system? What are the quality issues, access to care, and cost of care issues compared to the USA? Is the overall health of this country’s population better or worse compared to the USA?
· Plagiarized papers and assignments will be graded as a zero and the professor reserves the right to give the student an ‘F’ for the course. Submit original work for this course. Original, do not submit work that you submitted to another professor or to Dr. Covone from a prior date. Prior work, including your own prior work is considered by Dr Covone as self-plagiarism, which is still plagiarism. Students are required to review the college’s policy on plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Turnitin will be used for al papers. If you do not want your paper checked using Turnitin, you must inform the professor by the end of the first week and other
· Late assignments are graded as a zero; however, students can earn up to 70% credit for homework if they
· submit their work within one day of the due date, and 50% within 2 days (does not apply to DB postings or
· tests). Note: late tests and ‘Discussion Board’ (DB) postings will be recorded as a 0%.
· means will be used to check for plagiarism and proper formatting. Papers will be typed and submitted using: 12-point font size, Times New Roman or Garamond font, double-spaced following APA format, with 1” margins, you must also have a title page and reference page. If in-text citation is omitted the paper will be considered plagiarized and recorded as a zero. Please see the table below for examples of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. Papers containing more than 10% content in quotes will receive a 25% reduction in the paper grade. Papers exceeding 30% quotes will be recorded as a zero. Smarthinking can check for grammar and style issues. Smarthinking is a free online service that can be accessed on the PLATO homepage. Students can submit their paper for free using Smarthinking and the program will offer suggestions on grammar and style. In addition, the following online site is helpful: PurdueOwl (
· Students are required to review the College’s
· Academic Dishonesty Policy ( )
· and the College’s definition of Plagiarism (
· definition-of-plagiarism ). Taken together, they show that plagiarism and academic dishonesty take many
· forms. This can range from outright cheating or helping another student cheat, to multiple submission (self-
· plagiarism) or failing to correctly give credit to an original source of information, whether deliberate or not.
· Students are held responsible for all aspects of the policy and definition. If you are unsure, ask.