Discuss how the quantitative and qualitative data would complement one another and add strength to the study.

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      Discuss how the quantitative and qualitative data would complement one another and add strength to the study. 

Evidently, the use of EBP in healthcare mostly relies on the available qualitative and quantitative data which is supported by scientific or clinical research. In studying the EBP, quantitative data is used to enhance qualitative information and vice versa, because one method complements the other one (Tappen, 2015, p.88). For example, in the selected article the EBP about beliefs and behaviors of nurses showed that the number of the nurses who were certified vs. nurses who were not certified explained why some of the nurses have higher perceived EBP implementation than others (Eaton, Meins, Mitchell, Voss, & Doorenbos, 2015, “Evidence-Based Practice Beliefs and Behaviors”).  Quantitative data would improve the study by providing evidence in the form of numbers or amounts such as the scores which show the proficiency of nurses in different areas (Eaton, Meins, Mitchell, Voss, & Doorenbos, 2015, “Evidence-Based Practice Beliefs and Behaviors”).  Quantitative data could strengthen the study by providing more detailed information about EBP implementation which will explain certain trends and occurrences as found in the research.

2- rosquete

The qualitative research is exploratory/ descriptive and emphasizes the importance of subjects frame to be referenced and the context of the study. The research will be more concerned with the truth perceived by informants and less concerned with the truth of the objectives. The information from this research will be important in understanding the informants’ behaviors in details. The description of this approach will be used to get the picture and the opinion of nursing caregivers on the use of CNS depressants by the elderly (Susan, Nancy, & Jennifer, 2013).

The method that is used is explorative/descriptive. The strengths of the descriptive method are: effective to analyze non-quantified subjects and issues, the possibility to observe the phenomenon in a natural environment, the opportunity to use qualitative and quantitative method together, and less time consuming than quantitative studies. In the case of exploratory studies, the principal advantage is the flexibility and adaptability to change and it is effective in laying the groundwork that guides to future research. We can find disadvantages in this kind of studies. For example, descriptive studies cannot test or verify the research problem statically, the majority of descriptive studies are not repeatable due to their observational nature, and they are not helpful in identifying cause behind the described phenomenon. Another weak point, that includes exploratory research, is the interpretation of information is subject to bias. These type of studies make use a modest number of samples that may not represent the target population and they are not usually helpful in decision making in a practical level. 

Mixed methods of research are increasingly used in nursing research to strengthen the depth of understanding of nursing phenomena. Mixed methods research provides several benefits. Quantitative data can support qualitative research components by identifying representative patients or outlying cases. On the other hand, qualitative data can shed light on quantitative components by helping with the development of the conceptual model.  During data gathering, quantitative data can help researchers in select patients for an interview, while qualitative data can help researchers to understand the barriers and facilitators to patient recruitment and retention. During data analysis, qualitative data can assist with interpreting, clarifying, describing, and validating quantitative results. (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2012).

Challenges that researchers face using mixed methods are the effort and expertise required due to mixed data collection, this study requires a team job, that should adherence to the rigor from two different methodologies, and nursing researchers may face the possibility of inconsistency in research findings. This inconsistency is due to the objectivity of quantitative method and subjectivity of qualitative methods. 

There are several articles that use mixed research methods. One of them is “An example, comparing the costs of two models for providing Chronic Pain Care to American Indian”. This study used triangulation design in a multilevel model format. The multilevel model was helpful in designing this study different methods were needed at different levels to understand the health care system. In this example, quantitative data is being collected and analyzed at the national and state levels, and qualitative data is being collected at the patient level. The quantitative and qualitative data collections are doing at the same time. Then, they are blended for interpretation. (Williamson O.E, 2000)

The Essential of Nursing more related to my project is Essential III: Quality improvement and safety. Quality improvement involves every level of the healthcare organization. Nurses’ behavior is considered as an effective leader and change agent. Master’s prepared nurse must be articulate in tools and principles related to the quality of service and applied them to an organization.


Susan, G., Nancy, B., & Jennifer, G. (2013). The Practice of Nursing Research. ‎Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co. 

Source: Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2012) “Research Methods for Business Students” 6th edition, Pearson Education Limited. 

Sandelowski, M. (2000), Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Sampling, Data Collection, and Analysis Techniques in Mixed-Method Studies. Res. Nurs. Health, 23: 246–255. doi:10.1002/1098-

3- Alberto Alfons0

Communication in a healthcare setting requires intense interprofessional abilities that extend beyond the scope of other, non-healthcare related fields. For example, correctly formulated communication between healthcare professionals is absolutely necessary to ensure that there is no error that could end up negatively affecting a patient. However, all humans are prone to mistakes and minor errors, so completely comprehensive communication is something that sometimes cannot be achieved. These minor errors, however, could cause intense healthcare quality problems for the patient, since proper communication ensures that all relevant and pertinent information is being fully passed on between healthcare providers and healthcare teams. Any miscommunication or lack of communication would very well lead to the patient’s decline and possibly even death. This is where a case study in a qualitative research direction would be the most efficient form of research to undergo, as specific cases and situations are able to give a glimpse into the errors that are occurring instead of just data as to when they were occurring. This does have the downside of being unable to successfully create a large amount of numerical data.

            End-of-rotation patient deaths are common to a fault, since there exists a large discrepancy between the average rate of patient death compared to the rate of death of patients who experience end-of-rotation transition within their timeframe of care. This situation is a perfect recipient of the ability to perform a mixed methods approach to research, since both qualitative and quantitative research have their benefits in these cases (anecdotal evidence of patient experiences in addition to rates of communication breakdown). Other healthcare problems addressed using these mixed problems method s experience a higher rate of success rather than otherwise, showing at least a minimal correlation (O’Cathain, et al., 2007). However, the scope of the experiments might become too vast based on the types of evidence needed.


O’Cathain A, Murphy E, Nicholl J. (2007). “Why, and how, mixed methods research is undertaken in health services research in England: a mixed methods study.” BMC Health; 7: 85–85 

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