Describe how process changes can reduce the impact of factors that contribute to error.

Will the increased use of  telehealth technology tools be viewed as dehumanizing patient care, or will they be viewed as a means to promote more contact with healthcare providers and new ways for people to stay connected (as in online disease support groups), thereby creating better long-term disease management and patient satisfaction? Why or why not?


Book: McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2015). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (3rd ed.) Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett. (ISBN 978-1-284-04351-8)


Cite Reference

>300 words

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Module 4:


Learning Guide #4

Learning Guide for Module 4


Course Title:  B404 Nursing Informatics

Learning Goals/Outcomes

Upon completion, the student will be able to:

  • Write APA formal paper related to nursing informatics case study
  • Discuss aspects of APA format
  • Integrate in-text citations in correct APA format
  • Create a reference page in correct APA format
  • Describe the basic concepts of the science of human factors.
  • Explain why addressing these contributory factors is critical to ensuring the safety of patients and providers.
  • Describe how process changes can reduce the impact of factors that contribute to error.
  • Explain why the design and testing of technology are important to ensure reliable performance and consistent use.

Required Resources

  • Re-read chapter 8 of your McGonigle and Mastrian textbook.
  • View Youtube video: APA Format Citations-Sixth (6th) Edition (Links to an external site.)
  • Review Purdue Owl APA style formatting guide (Links to an external site.)
  • View APA style PowerPoint presentation (Links to an external site.)
  • Read How to Recognize Peer Reviewed Journals (Links to an external site.)
  • View Youtube video: APA Format: In-text Citations, Quotations, and Plagiarism (Links to an external site.)



RECOMMENDED RESOURCES- WEBQUESTS (Links to an external site.)


Mini Lecture

Patient Safety 102: Human Factors and Safety 


The IHI Open School provides online courses in improvement capability, patient safety, leadership, person- and family-centered care, triple aim for populations, and quality, cost, and value. These courses are free for students, residents, and professors of all health professions, and available by subscription to health professionals (see registration process and directions in modules).  This course is an introduction to the field of “human factors”: how to incorporate knowledge of human behavior, especially human frailty, in the design of safe systems. You’ll explore case studies to analyze the human factors issues involved in health care situations. And you’ll learn how to use human factors principles to design safer systems of care – including the most effective strategies to prevent errors and mitigate their effects. Finally, you’ll learn how technology can reduce errors – even as, in some cases, it can introduce new opportunities for errors.


Lesson 1: Understanding the Science of Human Factors 

According to the World Health Organization, human factors is an established science that uses many disciplines (such as anatomy, physiology, physics, and biomechanics) to understand how people perform under different circumstances.

  • We define human factors as: the study of all the factors that make it easier to do the work in the right way. 

Issues that impact human performance and increase risk for error include the following:

  • Factors that are in play before action takes place. These are predisposing mental and physiological states, such as fatigue, stress, dehydration, hunger, and boredom.
  • Factors that directly enable decision making, such as perception, attention, memory, reasoning, and judgment.
  • Factors that directly enable decision execution, such as communication and being able to carry out the intended action.

The science of human factors is particularly useful for understanding human behavior in safety-critical situations, such as providing health care.


Lesson 2: Changes Based on Human Factors Design Principles 

The science of human factors – the study of the interrelationship between humans and their environment – has identified design principles that include the following:

  • Simplifying involves taking steps out of a process.
  • Standardizing removes variation and confusion, and promotes predictability and consistency.
  • Use forcing functions and constraints. 

Forcing functions make it impossible to do a task incorrectly. They create a hard stop that you cannot pass unless you change your actions.

A constraint is the state of being checked, restricted, or compelled to avoid or perform some action.

  • Use redundancies. A typical example is double-checking someone’s work.
  • Avoid reliance on memory. Checklists are a valuable tool to reduce this reliance.
  • Take advantage of habits and patterns. 

Habits are those actions we perform in consistent circumstances and are triggered by our surroundings.

A pattern is a recognizable regularity in events.

  • Promote effective team functioning. Teamwork and communication are promoted in many industries.
  • Automate carefully. Technology can sometimes – but not always – be helpful.


Lesson 3: Using Technology to Mitigate the Impact of Error 

Examples of technology in health care include computerized prescriber orders entry systems (CPOEs), bar-coding systems, and intravenous medication infusion pumps.

Technology should facilitate how you do your work, not dictate it.

Retrieved from @ (Links to an external site.)

Learning Activities

Activities for This Lesson

  • Begin literature search for APA Case Study paper.
  • Forum 4.
  • lessons- PS 102

Will the increased use of  telehealth technology tools be viewed as dehumanizing patient care, or will they be viewed as a means to promote more contact with healthcare providers and new ways for people to stay connected (as in online disease support groups), thereby creating better long-term disease management and patient satisfaction? Why or why not?


Lesson Evaluation Graded Assessments

  • APA Scholarly paper due in module 6 (45 points)
  • lesson PS 102 (45 points)
  • Forum 4 (20 points)
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