Community Health Nursing Project Hour Log

Community Health Nursing Project Hour Log

Use this form to document practice hours & activities for the

Community Health Nursing Project Assignment

DateActivityLocation & Contact(as appropriate)Hour(s)
May 8-10THERAPEUTIC ASSESSMENTS(Demographics, career, etc.)1. Supported the client in taking the Geriatric Depression Scale2. Supported the client in taking the Fulmer SPICES Assessment3. Performed a Mini-Mental State Exam and Patient_Stress_QuestionnaireCabell Library6 hours
June 11Outreach activity; home care and nursing activity; in-depth discussion with the coach.Cabell Library6 hours
June 12Clinic attendance, nursing care, and discussion with my coachCabell Library8 hours
June 13Orientation and meeting with the team leader, discussion about the project. Site visit and interviewHal Greer Boulevard +1 304-526-20003 hours
June 14Site visit; procurement of Cabell Huntington Hospital’s health data and interview with the director.Cabell Huntington Hospital; emergency; Hal Greer Boulevard +1 304-526-20005 hours
June 15Site visit; interview with director, data on mental issues analysisCabell Huntington Hospital, WV, United States+1 304-526-20004 hours
June 16Orientation and meeting with the team leader in Hoops Family Children’s Hospital; discussion about the project.HospitalHuntington, WV, United States+1 304-526-20003 hours
June 17Shadowed social workers and interviewed them to collect some data.Hal Greer Boulevard +1 304-526-20004 hours
Total39 hours

I acknowledge and attest that my practice hours log and documented activities adhere to the Aspen University standards of academic authenticity and may be subject to random audits of my logged hours, documented activities and contacts.


Student Name Student Signature Today’s Date

Updated 03/2018

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