Common Pulmonary Disorders: Cough, Bronchitis, COPD, Pneumonia, and Asthma.

Common Pulmonary Disorders: Cough, Bronchitis, COPD, Pneumonia, and Asthma. Common Pulmonary Disorders: Cough, Bronchitis, COPD, Pneumonia, and Asthma. Common Pulmonary Disorders: Cough, Bronchitis, COPD, Pneumonia, and Asthma. Power point with the signs/symptoms , diagnosis, treatment , role of nurse practitioner in the prevention and management (Education) of each disorder. (Cough, Bronchitis, COPD, Pneumonia, and Asthma. )     You must proofread your paper. But do not strictly rely on your computer’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to do so indicates a lack of effort on your part and you can expect your grade to suffer accordingly. Papers with numerous misspelled words and

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