The ballet dancer Misty Copeland

Watch this short interview with ballet dancer Misty Copeland:
In your discussion post, address the significant “visual” aspect of this performing art form. Consider one or more of the following themes relevant to the video:

· What pressures do professional dancers face to reach the visual expectations of their audiences in live performance? In additional to physical form and movement, what cultural codes of gender and race impact their study, preparation, and performance?

· Classical ballet faces stereotypes of “highbrow,” “Euro-centric,” and “old fashioned” that have deterred potential audiences in recent decades. What opportunities (and challenges) does Misty’s race and collaboration with pop artist Prince bring to the traditional art form?

· What impact do reality TV shows like Dancing With the Stars have on the role and reputation of dance as a performance art in today’s world?

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The Neo-Assyrians | nursing homework essays

Describe an approach that the Neo-Assyrians used to force conquered people to become part of their empire
Make sure to fully describe this approach; don’t simply list/identify it.
Describe an approach the Chaldeans used to force conquered people to become part of their empire
Make sure to fully describe this approach; don’t simply say that it was the same as the Neo-Assyrians.
Describe an approach the Persians used to conquer other people and establish a successful empire
Make sure to fully describe this approach; don’t simply say they were nice.
Identify which empire you believe took the most effective approach to conquering people and establishing a successful empire.
You must choose one empire (none is not an option), but only choose one.
Using specific information and examples from the lecture, fully explain why you think your chosen empire took the most effective approach.
Keep in mind that “effective” does not have to mean the “nicest” approach.

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The Trolley Problem | nursing homework essays

Look at the video and article regarding the Trolley Problem in Module 1. After coming to a decision, answer the following questions:

  1. Do you think it is better to kill one person to save five?
  2. How did you arrive at your decision? What factors did you consider? Is it based solely on the outcome?

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Important components of the psychiatric interview

Post a brief explanation of three important components of the psychiatric interview and why you consider these elements important. Explain the psychometric properties of the rating scale you were assigned. Explain when it is appropriate to use this rating scale with clients during the psychiatric interview and how the scale is helpful to a nurse practitioner’s psychiatric assessment. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

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CRM packages that might be appropriate for your business.

Assume you are managing a small business that is experiencing a very rapid increase in sales. Unfortunately, this increase in sales has been accompanied by an increase in customer complaints that your company is letting “things slip between the cracks.” You recognize that the old way of interacting with customers is no longer sufficient. You have a sales force of ten, and you would like to supply each with access to a basic CRM package. Go online and identify several CRM packages that might be appropriate for your business. Specify each package’s capabilities and cost. How would you go about selecting one of these packages?

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An analysis of a controversial public policy issue

Select an article on a controversial public policy issue from a major publication such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, or another periodical or newspaper. (avoid, for example, politically-motivated sources, cable news, your uncle’s Facebook feedback) Ask these questions of the author of the article, being careful to provide “in text” evidence to support your analysis:

Does the author place the issue in a broad context? How?
Does the author suffer from tunnel vision?
Does the author discount or ignore other perspectives on the issue?
Does the author propose a creative solution to the issue?
Does the author address the issue comprehensively?
How might an interdisciplinary approach improve the author’s treatment of the issue?

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Mission Statement | nursing homework essays

I​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​magine that you are forming a Health Care Organization (it can be a hospital, medic​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​al group, care facility, etc.) and draft a mission statement for your organization​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​.

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Social Psychology and the Law




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Stakeholder group and their need for communication

Identify and analyze the information about each stakeholder group and their need for communication.
Consider the following points:
Stakeholder’s interest in the park’s reopening
Assessment of the impact on stakeholder (low, medium, or high)
Information and communication needs of the stakeholder
Communication methods to and with the stakeholder
Identify two crisis communication methods for communicating with stakeholders.
What forms of communication can be used to quickly communicate with internal stakeholder groups?
What forms of communication can be used to communicate with external stakeholder groups?

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T​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​he Oil Commodity Chain | nursing homework essays

In Lisa Margonelli’s book, Oil on the Brain, she depicts the oil commodity chain from the perspectives of consumption (gas stations), production (oil wells), and finacialization (NYMEX). What distinguishes these different parts of the commodity chain? Some questions to consider: How are they different from one another? ​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​How have they changed over time? How do the personal stories in Oil on the Brain contribute to our understanding of their role in the commodity chain?

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