case 2

Dayami Venereo pls see comments

The common chronic respiratory illness that I will analyze is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). An elderly person may suffer from this condition when one is already ill or has suffered a trauma. Trauma may be in form of; lung infection, blood infection, and injury to the head among others. Basically, this condition has been gaining a mortality rate in the intensive care units. This is an indication that a certain percentage of elderly patients are ICU patients. This condition may cause a limited supply of air and hence organs of a patient may end up not receiving the amount of oxygen needed. According to research, 70-80% of patients suffering from this condition are the senior patients (Sevransky, & Haponik, 2003).

! Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome may affect the quality of life of an elderly. As stated above, this condition may affect the organs since they won’t be able to receive the amount of oxygen required. Therefore, this is an indication that oxygen won’t be supplied to a patient’s bloodstream. Hence a patient may end up suffering from lung failure. This condition can also cause infection. The lungs may end up being injured and affected by germs. According to research done by Eachempati, Hydo, Shou, & Barie, Careful hemodynamic monitoring and resuscitation in partnership with other strategies have shown positive results since it has been able to improve the case of patients who were at high risk. Therefore, such a strategy should be used so as to improve the outcome of older adult patients who are suffering from Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Is important that me as the FNP be able to identify the specific needs of a patient. Therefore, will enhance readiness and can help patient easily transition in different environments. In addition to that, patients with caregivers tend to have more positive emotion. We can also provide information about the patients and can also be taught about the needs of the patients and what they are supposed to do in different cases.

! Hi Dayami, you seem to be having some difficulty completing the case studies. Kindly refer to the guide I had gone over in class; posted on BB and sent in email. I also sent you an email on 02/04 asking you to redo this for a better grade, but I have not heard from you. Please let me know how I can best help you with these CS. Thx

Prof. Joy

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