Anorexia and Bulimia
Guidelines & Requirements
Topic The topic must be specifically related to special physical education. However, you are at liberty to choose the subject and style of project which would be most interesting to you. Most of the projects are usually research reports on a particular disabling condition. Length/Form The paper should be at least 5-10 pages in length. (It may be longer, if needed.) The paper must be typed and double spaced. Margins should be approximately one (1) inch on all sides. The suggested referencing system is the one used by the American Psychological Association (APA). An APA style manual can be found in the bookstore, online, or possibly, in the library. (Other style formats may be used, particularly MLA, which is still preferred by our English Department, but you must follow some particular style manual.) ***NOTE: At the bottom of the reference list, identify the style manual and/or
referencing system used for the paper! Content Literature Review/Research Report
Use “primary” sources as much as possible, with support from “secondary” sources, when needed. Describe the condition or situation thoroughly. Include information about history, symptoms and characteristics, program considerations, etc. If the condition or problem you are investigating yields areas of controversy, then present both sides followed by your position regarding the controversy. Be sure the information relates in some way to overall implications in physical education, recreation, kinesiology, fitness, exercise, sporting opportunities, etc. Regardless of the type of project, the following will help organize your paper:
I. Introduction/Opening – Includes statement of problem, objectives, purpose, goals, questions, etc.
II. Body of Paper – Objectives are met or addressed. – Paper flows from point to point. – Information is useful, well-documented, etc.
Content (cont.) III. Conclusions
– Summary which ties together the objectives, etc. and the evidence presented in the body.
– Any personal conclusions by the student. IV. Bibliography or Reference List
– All materials which are borrowed from other sources must be cited, and a reference list must be properly presented (preferably APA format).
Other Criteria and Bureaucratic Information * Accurate spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar are expected. * Title page must be present with the following information: – Title of Project – University (Abilene Christian University)
– Class (KINE 490) – Date
– Student’s Name * All pages should have the student’s last name and page number in the upper-right
corner. (i.e. Luttrell, p. 2) * The paper should be turned in as an attachment to an e-mail and must be in a format that I can open. Grading
The paper is worth 15% of the total course grade. The grade for the paper will be divided as follows: * Content (60%) * Style and Composition (20%) – Information – Grammar – Documentation – Spelling – Logical Thought Processes – Sentence/Paragraph Structure – Justification of Concepts – Organization – Etc. – Consistent Format (i.e. use of APA system) – Etc. * Research/References (20%) – Significance of research used – Types of sources – Appropriate use of materials – Etc.
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