Children (age 17 and younger) are exposed to many different types of violence. According to Healthy People 2020, in the year 2008, 58.9% of children (61.5% males, 56.3% females) have viewed crime, abuse, and violent acts. The goal for 2020 is to get that number reduced to 53.0%. They have targeted years for reduction since 2008, and each has successfully been reached. The children or parent proxies surveyed were questioned about 44 different types of violence including internet violence, school violence, peer and sibling victimization, conventional crime, family violence, and sexual victimization (Healthy People 2020, 2019).
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Children (age 17 and younger) are exposed to many different types of violence. According to Healthy People 2020, in the year 2008, 58.9% of children (61.5% males, 56.3% females) have viewed crime, abuse, and violent acts. The goal for 2020 is to get that number reduced to 53.0%. They have targeted years for reduction since 2008, and each has successfully been reached. The children or parent proxies surveyed were questioned about 44 different types of violence including internet violence, school violence, peer and sibling victimization, conventional crime, family violence, and sexual victimization (Healthy People 2020, 2019).
We can all be proactive in helping reduce crime that our children witness just by making others feel important and cared about. Education for families and parents can be distributed by campaigns and technology on ways to prevent stress (which can lead to violence), information for hotline counseling (when you feel things are out-of-hand—talk to someone), and support groups (knowing you are not alone).
When a community nurse is assessing a child for illness, she needs to be aware of signs and symptoms that could indicate violence or neglect. Family violence is not usually limited to just one person receiving violent acts. Community nurses can suggest neighbors look out for one another to help prevent violence (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2018).
In today’s society violence is everywhere and children are exposed to it at young ages in today’s society. “58.9 percent of children were exposed to any form of violence, crime, and abuse” (Healthy People 2020). That number is simply astonishing to me that is more than half of children. More than half of children are exposed to violence. There are certain areas that suffer more than others when it comes to children and violence. It can come from cyber threats, school violence, watching someone else being harassed, a child being mistreated, etc. violence is everywhere and in today’s society is it constantly trying to be fault against. Due to those efforts there has been able be a drop from that 58.9 percent. Blog ArchiveCopyright © 2019 Read More
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